Independent candidate suspends campaign, turns to support Mr. Trump
Aug 24, 2024
New York [US], August 24: NBC News reported that Mr. Kennedy Jr. 's campaign confirmed its support for former US President Donald Trump, mentioned in a document filed in the Pennsylvania state court, before the independent candidate spoke in the state of Arizona.
Mr. Kennedy Jr. began his speech by criticizing the Democratic Party for "abandoning democracy," accusing the media and the Democratic Party of a conspiracy to make it difficult for him to run for president. He then announced his plans to suspend his candidacy and endorse Mr. Trump.
"In my heart, I no longer believe that I have a realistic path to winning the election. Therefore, I cannot ask my staff and volunteers to continue to work long hours or ask my donors to continue to give, when I cannot honestly tell them that I have a realistic path to the White House," he said.
Mr. Kennedy Jr. emphasized that he would not completely withdraw from the election race, but would withdraw his name from the ballot in 10 battleground states, according to CNN. In his speech, Mr. Kennedy Jr. also said that the former US president had offered to appoint him to a government position if the Republicans won.
Following the announcement, Mr. Kennedy Jr. appeared on stage at Mr. Trump's campaign rally in Arizona on August 23.
The independent candidate's decision did not sit well with some members of the Kennedy family. His sister Kerry Kennedy said that supporting Mr Trump "betrayed" the family's values. "This is a sad ending to a sad story," Ms Kerry wrote on social media.
This latest development could be good news for Mr. Donald Trump in the tight race with US Vice President Kamala Harris. During the election campaign in Las Vegas, Nevada, Mr. Trump said: "I want to thank Bobby. That's great. He's a good person and respected by everyone."
Meanwhile, senior adviser to the Democratic National Committee Mary Beth Cahill said: "Donald Trump is not getting the support to help him build an advantage. He is inheriting the baggage of a failed candidate."
Voter interest in Mr. Kennedy Jr. has recently waned. An Ipsos poll in early August showed that only 4% of voters nationwide supported him.
Source: Thanh Nien Newspaper