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European users are divided on artificial intelligence

Mar 19, 2024

Amsterdam [Netherlands], March 19: ING Financial Group (Netherlands) has just announced the results of a research survey conducted in several European countries to assess user awareness of the development of AI. Conducted in Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey, with approximately 1,000 respondents selected based on demographics.
Dangerous or not?
In which, answering the question "AI is a danger to society", the number of people "strongly agree" accounts for 13%, "agree" accounts for 25%. On the opposite side of this question, there are 7% "strongly disagree" and 16% "disagree". The remaining 39% choose "middle door". To the question: "AI is an opportunity for society", a total of 54% of people answered "agree" and "strongly agree", a total of only 12% rejected and 34% neither agreed nor disagreed. rejected.
Through the survey, ING also wanted to assess user perception after the general public's access to synthetic AI tools - especially ChatGPT , which has been in operation for more than a year now. When asked about user familiarity with these tools, 45% of respondents said they had used AI tools in their private lives at least once in the past 6 months and 47% (in (number of working people) also reported using AI at least once in the past 6 months for work.
People who have used general AI tools at work at least once in the past 6 months seem to be satisfied with the experience in many different aspects. Of these, 25% highlighted the ease of use and 17% either took a while to get used to AI or quickly gave up, 28% found that the results were better than expected and 9% commented otherwise. Conversely, 35% rated general AI tools as helping them save time, but 6% said AI took more time.
In particular, according to the above survey results, assessments of the impact of AI on the job market are generally quite pessimistic. 39% of respondents said that overall, widespread use of AI will reduce more workers than it will create. Meanwhile, 22% expect that the number of jobs created by AI will be equivalent to the number of jobs lost because of AI. Only 15% of respondents were optimistic that the number of jobs created by AI will outweigh the number of jobs lost. And 8% think AI has no impact on the labor market , with up to 15% "no comment".
Source: Thanh Nien Newspaper